Thursday, September 24, 2015

I have had hard time coming up with an idea that I genuinely want to use. Kristen mentioned something about lucid dreaming the other day, and I have been writing down my dreams for a year  or two. I think I may try to illustrate my dreams, or try to put things that only make sense in dreams,  things dreams help to make sense of, or the immediate aftereffects into art somehow.

Sunday, September 20, 2015

The artist I chose this week was Paul Klee. He deeply explored color theory, and I need to learn more about using color.
Image result for paul klee
Image result for paul klee

Saturday, September 12, 2015

Dorothea Tanning was primarily a surrealist. She was also a poet. She was self-taught, and lived to be 101, which is pretty cool in itself.